Anne Cambon-Thomsen is a French medical doctor specialised in human immunogenetics and health ethics, now Emeritus Research Director at CNRS, the French National Center for Scientific Research, in the Epidemiology and public health unit of Inserm, the French National Institute for health and medical research, and University Toulouse III. She is member of the European Group on Ethics of Science and New Technologies and of the international data policy committee of CODATA – the Committee on Data of the International Science Council (ISC), the governing board of EuroScience, the Directoire of MURS (Universal Movement for Scientific Responsibility); she is an ambassador of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) for health sciences and research ethics, where she co-leads the working group on COVID-19; she is involved in numerous activities on dialogue “Science-Society” and has been the Champion of the EuroScience Open Forum in 2018 in Toulouse, ESOF 2018.
She has a strong record of past activities in ethics and scientific bodies, European and international projects and she is the research integrity officer for the University Toulouse III Paul Sabatier. She previously directed two research Units on human immunogenetics and population genetics, a research team on genomics and public health and a societal platform she initiated; she was the first co-director-coordinator of the Common Service ELSI (Ethical, legal and societal implications) of BBMRI-ERIC, the European infrastructure on biobanking and biomolecular resources.