He is founder of EURACTIV media network & Chairman of Fondation EURACTIV, plus adviser & commentator.
After launching EURACTIV in 1999 and managing it for 10 years, Mr. Leclercq then focused on deepening the network and external relations.
Since January 2018, Christophe Leclercq is one of the experts on the High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) on disinformation. He leads the new projects #Media4EU and Stars4Media (Erasmus4Media). He also teaches notably at Institut d’Etudes Européennes/ULB (Brussels).
Previously, Mr. Leclercq was EU Commission official with DG Competition (coordinator for Information Society). Before that, he was a management consultant with McKinsey, founder of the EuroManagers job fair, and market research manager at Renault Deutschland.