Dear Guest,
Thank you very much for your attendance at the exhibition “What’s New in the Farmers Market“.
Your help to the European farmers is vital!
Farmers are facing diverse challenges, related to climate change, soil erosion, changes in customer habits, and the price of commodities, for example.
There is no silver bullet to solve them all, but all existing techniques should be considered to create a comprehensive toolbox for farmers.
Here you can find a few useful links to more detailed information about the legislative framework surrounding genome editing and some of the most relevant reports published on the topic.
The three legislative proposals
Three legislative proposals will be voted this year and will have a major impact on the farmers’ work and the tools they are able to use.
The proposal for a legislative framework for sustainable food systems (FSFS) is one of the flagship initiatives of the Farm to Fork Strategy.
As announced in the Strategy, it will be adopted by the Commission by the end of 2023.
The legislation for plants produced by certain new genomic techniques (NGTs) will propose a legal framework for plants obtained by targeted mutagenesis and cisgenesis and for their food and feed products.
It is based on the findings of a Commission study on new genomic techniques. It is planned for adoption in the second quarter of 2023.
The proposed new regulation on plant reproductive material (PRM) aims to simplify and update the current rules and harmonise their implementation across the EU.
Commission will adopt its proposals for the revision of the PRM legislation in the first half of 2023. The proposals will be accompanied by an impact assessment.
Relevant reports
The Brussels-based think tank RE-IMAGINE EUROPA has gathered the following reports that are relevant to the field and can feed the discussion.
We hope that this information allows you to be even more aware of these proposals’ importance for the future of sustainable food systems.
EU-SAGE and RE-IMAGINE EUROPA are available for further discussion and can provide you with more details.
- Contact EU-SAGE :
- Contact RE-IMAGINE EUROPA (Planet Department) :