Associazione Copernicani Logo

Associazione Copernicani is an Italian independent and non-profit organisation, aimed to contribute to promoting the culture of innovation as a key change for the country system.

Blending the voluntaristic contribution of over 220 women and men with different cultural backgrounds and expertise, the Copernicani engage policymakers and stimulate public decision process in re-shaping Italy’s social, cultural, political and economical framework through digital and social innovation.

To put ideas into action and to establish itself as an influential reference in the digital innovation field, Copernicani acts in 3 directions:

  • Elaborate position papers and policy proposals
  • Develop open-source software: among the achievements “Made in Copernico” there is:
  1. Giudizio Maggioritario: a computer-aided election process
  2. a perceptive visual representation of complex data
  • Information and lifelong formation

Technology offers challenges which, if not faced, become problems.

Our slogan is “in love with the future”. Let’s shape the vision of the future.