A podcast to challenge the way we think

Can we reimagine power in a digital and AI-driven society? Should we rethink capitalism? How about trust, emotions, or ethics? ReImagine Talks is a series of video podcast featuring some of the most innovative, influential, and original thinkers of our time, to explore key concepts that define how we understand the world we live in, challenging conventional thinking.

Hosted by Erika Staël von Holstein and Luca de Biase, Re-Imagine Europa's CEO and Director of Research, the ReImagine TALKS will be distributed by leading European newspapers as Il Sole 24 Ore (Italy), La Vanguardia (Spain), Le Soir (Belgium), Público.pt (Portugal) and Rzezspospolita (Poland).

A Podcast to reimagine the way we think. Re-Imagine Europa launches a new podcast to explore and challenge the conventional thinking of key concepts that help us understand the world we live in.