Logo of ReImagine Talks with Erika Stael von Holstein and Luca de Biase

ReImagine TALKS, the Podcast to Challenge the Way We Think

Re-Imagine Europa launches a new podcast to explore and challenge the conventional thinking of key concepts that help us understand the world we live in. Each episode explores a different concept and topic with a world-class expert. 


Europe lives in a pivotal moment marked by a sense of permanent crisis, growing distrust in all kinds of institutions, and a general sense of discontent and despair. Experts across sectors, fields, and countries are calling for a paradigm shift underlining the need to rethink fundamental concepts that shape our societies.

Re-Imagine Europa launches a new podcast ReImagine TALKS, hosted by the Chief Executive of the European Think Tank Re-Imagine Europa, Erika Staël von Holstein, and the famous Italian journalist Luca De Biase. Re-Imagine Talks will feature some of the most innovative, influential, and original thinkers of our time to explore key concepts that define how we understand the world we live in, challenging conventional thinking and ‘reimagining’ the concept with an unexpected and contemporary lens. Each episode will count with one key worldwide known expert from different fields (neuroscience, sociology, economy, communication) exploring fundamental concepts of humanity: from power to emotions, ethics, economy, or democracy.

For the podcast, Re-Imagine Europa is partnering with the newspapers Il Sole 24 Ore, La Vanguardia, LeSoir, Rzeczpospolita, and Pú, which are national media renown as leading opinion makers and who have enormous experience at the forefront of shaping debates, showcasing new ideas and engaging their audience in challenging new thinking.

The first episode, ReImagine Capitalism features Harvard Business School Professor Rebecca Henderson, author of the bestselling book ‘Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire’. With one fresh episode per month, over the upcoming months ReImagine Talks will present conversations about how to Reimagine POWER with the Sociologist Manuel Castells, Reimagine TRUST with the Internet pioneer and thinker Lisa Gansky, Reimagine ANGER with the neuroscientist Antonio Damasio and Reimagine ETHICS with the expert on Ethics and Technology Professor Jeroen van den Hoven, among others great scientists.

Stay connected, and don’t miss the next episode!  You can listen in all the main streaming platforms (Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music and Apple Podcasts). For further information regarding the podcast or a potential interview, contact us through:     


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