The Power of Narratives: A Strategic Approach to Combatting Disinformation in Europe – Key Findings from the First European Narrative Observatory
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Drawing on insights from Europe’s first Narrative Observatory, this White Paper explores how disinformation functions as a tool of division, targeting the evolving narratives that hold societies together. The Paper proposes the addition of a new string to the European bow for combatting disinformation. As we move forward, it will be essential to embrace this sophisticated, multi-faceted approach integrating psychology, neuroscience, behavioural science, and philosophy into a broader strategy for strengthening democratic resilience.
This unique approach could make a key contribution to the European Democracy Shield proposed by President von der Leyen, ensuring Europe is not only equipped to defend against false information and the manipulation of the narratives that shape our shared reality, but also to create the conditions for the emergence of a refreshed and reinvigorated European democratic space to help us successfully navigate and fully benefit from the extraordinary transformations and transitions underway and that lie ahead.