Re-Imagine Europa’s 2018 Advisory Board Meeting

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Start date: 18/09/2018
End date: 18/09/2018
Where: OECD, Rue Andre Pascal 2, Paris

On the 18 of September 2018, the first official meeting of the Advisory Board of Re-Imagine Europa was held, kindly hosted by Secretary-General Ángel Gurría at the headquarters of the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris.

With activities of Re-Imagine Europa officially starting in 2019, and with 2019 being an election year in Europe, the basis of the discussion was threefold:

  •  VISION: to discuss and agree on the vision of Re-Imagine Europa and what the focus of the organisation should be;
  • METHODOLOGY: To present the approach developed by Re-Imagine Europa as the first incubator for new political ideas;
  • ACTIVITIES: Discuss the planned activities for 2019

The meeting was divided into two parts, the first being the closed meeting of the members of the Board whilst the second part was open to representatives of knowledge partners of Re-Imagine Europa to broaden the conversation


Day 1. 18/09/2018
Welcome Address
Mr Angel Gurria, Secretary General of OECD
Opening Remarks
President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, former President of France, Founder and President of Re-Imagine Europa
Tour de table
Overview of activities
Ms Erika Widegren, Chief Executive of Re-Imagine Europa Q&A
Presentation of activities planned for 2019 European elections, including overview
Ms Erika Widegren, Chief Executive of Re-Imagine Europa
Working Lunch
Concluding remarks and next steps


Angel Gurria Portrait
Angel Gurria
Secretary General of OECD
As Secretary-General of the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) since 2006, Angel Gurrìa has firmly established the Organisation as a pillar of the global economic governance architecture and a reference point in the design and implementation of better policies for better lives.
Portrait of Giscard d'Estaign
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
President of Re-Imagine Europa
Born in Coblence in 1926, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing is one of the founding fathers of Europe having dedicated his life to ensuring that Europe remains a key economic power on a global stage.
Photo of Erika Widegren delivering a speech with RIE logo in the background
Erika Widegren
Chief Executive Officer at Re-Imagine Europa
Erika is Chief Executive of Re-Imagine Europa (RIE). She has been working in the field of connecting science, society and policy for over a decade. She is fellow at PlusValue, a UK-based European company focusing on social innovation; she is board member of Citizen Communication Platform, a Swedish project to promote stronger communication with citizens; and member of the committee supporting the work of Luc Van den Brande, Special Adviser to President Jean- Claude Juncker, for the Report on the “Outreach towards Citizen” Strategy.


OECD, Rue Andre Pascal 2, Paris

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