UNGA78 Science Summit – Innovation and Sustainability in Agriculture – do we need a new discourse?

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Start date: 20/09/2023
End date: 20/09/2023
Where: Virtual Meeting


Food and food security are central to all societies. The relationship between food security and socio-political stability has been well documented and has become painstakingly clear since the Russian aggression with its impact on soaring food prices. If we add to this the effects of climate change, we can understand why this is going to be one of the most important challenges of our time.

Unfortunately, whilst the stakes get higher, the debate around food, agriculture, sustainability and innovation seem to get evermore polarised, which prevents the creation of effective solutions to the intricate issues we are currently facing.

The shifting global context surrounding food systems, innovation and new technologies underline the need for a thorough rethinking of the operation of our global agricultural systems; the development of resilience to both climate change and geopolitical shocks; and the incorporation of innovation as tool for improvements in such settings.

Incorporated in the 9th edition of the Science Summit around the 78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA78), Re-Imagine Europa will organise a virtual session on “Innovation and Sustainability in Agriculture – do we need a new discourse?”, on September 20th, at 15h (CET).

The panel will discuss the need to develop new narratives towards the role of innovation and new technologies in achieving sustainability in food production, how to counter the increasing polarization of the debate and how to ensure that voices from all world regions are heard. It will also examine the role new approaches such as agroecology can play to advance towards a new consensus in ensuring sustainable food production in times of volatile geopolitics under the Damocles-sword of climate change.







Erika Staël von Holstein Portrait
Erika Staël von Holstein
Chief Executive Officer at Re-Imagine Europa
Professor Urs Niggli
President of the Institute of Agroecology
Portrait of Dr. Vincent Martin
Dr Vincent Martin
Director of Innovation at FAO
Mildred Nadah Pita Portrait
Mildred Nadah Pita
Head Public Affairs Science Sustainability Africa at Bayer AG
Dr Petronella Chaminuka Portrait
Dr Petronella Chaminuka
Impact and Partnerships Division, Agricultural Research Council of South Africa
V. Ravichandran Portrait
V. Ravichandran
Farmer from India, Director of the Board at Global Farmer Network


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