conceptual picture of a journalist taking notes at a press conference

Workshop – Narratives that Shape the World: Practitioners’ Perspective

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Start date: 05/05/2023
End date: 05/05/2023
Where: Virtual Meeting

On May 5th, 2023, Re-Imagine Europa organised an online Workshop “Narratives that Shape the World: Practitioners’ Perspective”, at 3pm (CET). The event was carried out within the framework of the NODES project.

The Narratives Observatory combatting Disinformation in Europe Systemically (NODES) is a pilot project financed by the European Commission and set up by seven research and media partners from across four EU countries – Belgium, France, Poland, Italy. The NODES consortium is led by the European think tank Re-Imagine Europa and includes top level institutions and organisations as Agence France-Presse (AFP), the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), PlusValue, Sotrender, Science Feedback and Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia.

The main propose of the workshop was to gather journalists and practitioners from across Europe to share their perspective on how disinformation affects their work and how the work developed by the Narratives Observatory could facilitate their day-to-day tasks and help tackle polarisation of opinions on controversial topics such as climate change, migrations, and COVID-19 vaccines. It was integrated in a series of workshops that will be held during in different stages of the project with key stakeholders to identify challenges and improve on insights for recommendations.

This one-hour-and-half workshop will help improve the observatory’s effectiveness through the experience and ideas of the professionals that will be the primary beneficiaries of its results. Below, you can find the agenda:



3:00 PM – Welcome by Erika Staël von Holstein
3:10 PM – Presentation on the NODES project and the narrative methodology delivered by prof. Andrzej Nowak and prof. Marcin Napiórkowski
3:30 PM – Plenary discussion and Q&As
4:00 PM – Final remarks


You can find out more about the NODES project here.



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