Re-Imagine Europa’s Task Force on Sustainable Food Systems and Innovation is composed of a Steering Committee, responsible for the overall management, and an Expert Committee, serving as the main constituent body of the Task Force, bringing together a wide range of expert and stakeholder perspectives. Stakeholder and wider public engagement are crucial to ensure ample consideration of the role that science and innovation can play in tackling these key issues.






Prof. Warwick Anderson, Secretary-General, Human Frontier Science Program
Dr. Ana Atanassova, Head of Regulatory Policy Seeds & Traits- BASF
Dr. Hidde Boersma, Founding member of wePlanet, Microbiologist & Science Journalist 
Prof. Janusz Bujnicki, Head, Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Protein Engineering, International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Warsaw
Ms Celine Charveriat, Founder of Prototopia consulting. Independent environmentalist. Adjunct professor at PSIA. Former Executive Director at Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP).
Mr Peter Chase, Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States
Mr René Custers, Secretary, EU-SAGE; Regulatory & Responsible Research Manager, Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB)
Mr Bertrand Dagallier, Acting Principal Administrator, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Mr. Harry Dalton, Food Team Leader at Generation Climate Europe (GCE)
Mr Jens Degett, President, European Union of Science Journalists’ Associations
Mr Philippe de Jong, Partner, ALTIUS
Prof. Joost Dessein, President, European Society for Rural Sociology; Associate Professor, Ghent University
Dr. Alain Deshayes, Member of the Board, Association Française des Biotechnologies Végétales
Dr. Oana Dima, Science Policy Manager, VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology; Coordinator, European Sustainable Agriculture through Genome Editing (EU-SAGE)
Mr Philippe Dumont, Member of the Board, Association Française des Biotechnologies Végétales
Dr. Dennis Eriksson, Associate Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Ms Mella Frewen, Senior Advisor, Penta; Board Member, Foundation Earth; Board Member, RISE Foundation
Dr. Steffi Friedrichs, Director, AcumenIST
Mr Csaba Gaspar, Programme Manager, Forest Seed and Plant Scheme, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Mr Bernd Halling, Director for International Relations, Re-Imagine Europa
Mr Kris Heirbaut, Farmer and co-owner of Heirbaut aLgriculture
Mr Dirk Hudig, Secretary General, European Regulation and Innovation Forum
Prof. Peter Jackson, Co-Director, University of Sheffield Institute for Sustainable Food
Dr. Petra Jorasch, Manager Plant Breeding and Innovation Advocacy, EuroSeeds
Dr. Gijs Kleter, Senior Researcher, Microbiology and Novel Foods, Wageningen University & Research
Dr. Marcel Kuntz, Research Director, Laboratory of Plant and Cell Physiology, French National Centre for Scientific Research
Dr. Martin Lema, Adjunct Professor in Biotechnology, Quilmes National University
Mr Paul Leonard, Director, EU Government Affairs, BASF Agricultural Solutions
Ms Doris Letina, Vice-President, European Council of Young Farmers
Mr Norbert Lins MEP, Chair, Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, European Parliament
Prof. Ewa Łojkowska, Head of Department of Plant Protection and Biotechnology, University of Gdansk
Mr Michele Lucherini, former President, Fédération des Barreaux d’Europe
Mr Mark Lynas, author and journalist
Prof. Michaël Matlosz, President, EuroScience
Prof. Monika Messmer, Group lead, Plant Breeding, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)
Dr. Elisabet Nadeu, Senior Policy Analyst, CAP and Food
Dr. Amrit Nanda, Executive Manager, Plants for the Future ETP
Dr. Marcin Napiórkowski, Assistant Professor, University of Warsaw 
Prof. Andrzej Nowak, Chief Narrative Scientist, Re-Imagine Europa; Professor of Psychology, University of Warsaw & Florida Atlantic University
Mr Antoine Oger, Research Director & Head of programme, Global Challenges and SDGs, European Environmental Policy (IEEP)
Prof. Mario Enrico Pè, Institute of Life Sciences, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna; President, Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics
Mr Marco Perduca, Founder & coordinator, Science for Democracy
Ms Annick Pleysier, Head of EMEA Public Affairs, Science and Sustainability at Bayer Crop Science
Prof. Kai Purnhagen, Director, Centre for German & European Food Law, University of Bayreuth
Dr. Karel Říha, Deputy Director for Research, Central European Institute of Technology, Masaryk University
Dr. Claire Skentelbery, Director General, EuropaBio
Ms Erika Staël von Holstein, Chief Executive Officer, Re-Imagine Europa
Prof. Joyce Tait, Co-Director, Innogen Institute, University of Edinburgh
Mr Paul M. Temple, Farmer and Board Member of the Global Farmer Network
Ms Irène Tolleret MEP, European Parliament
Prof. Piet van der Meer, Guest Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Ghent University
Dr. Wouter Vanhove, Operational Director, Lignaverda
Mr Dirk Vlaemynck, Farmer and co-founder/co-owner of Tomato Matters
Dr. Karen Wagner, Head of International Relations, acatech
Prof. Andreas Weber, Chair, Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Heinrich Heine University
Prof. Justus Wesseler, Chair, Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group, Wageningen University & Research
Dr. Fabian Zuleeg, Chief Executive, European Policy Centre

Carlos Moedas
I fully support you in this endeavour. Your strong commitment towards Europe is very much welcomed.
Dirk Inzé Portrait
Genome editing has the potential to make a critical contribution to make food systems more sustainable and more resilient to climate change.